
New Stuttering Treatment Way

   One month ago, a young scientist found a new treatment way for average stutter people.     Approximately 1% of people have speech disorder which is stuttering. It leads to have blocks, spontaneous silent and repetitions. We already know- it has several possible reasons for stuttering but three common ones stand out: psychological problems especially anxiety and high-stress level, genetic and wrong breathing habits.     This treatment based on reading, breathing effectively, improving muscles such as the tongue, and finding a speaking rhythm. It is just for 30 days and 2 hours a day. However, stuttering has lots of variables, this new treatment may not help everyone but it is worth trying to solve this problem.     On May 18, he started to apply his new cure way. It was really hard for him because he has lots of terrible memory of stuttering. He struggled for 7 years going a rehabilitation program. However, he didn't succeed in getting rid of it. He said: "

Strange Things On Mars and Solar System That Show Us, Aliens Are Living With Us

   With the 21st century, Mars, also called "Red Planet", became more and more crucial for us because we found lots of strange things in Mars which might show that Aliens are living with us in our Solar System.      Mars formed 4.5 billion years ago that is the second smaller planet in our Solar System. Its core is a complex thing which includes iron, nickel and sulfur. Its surface has lots of irons. For this reason, the colour is copper-red because of oxygen and iron's oxidation. Climate is really harsh for us because it has both drought and cold. It is generally -142 degrees Celsius.      Research shows that 3.8 billion years ago, it had water sources in Nili Fossae, now it is just a drought in there. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the Solar System which is 3 times larger than Everest Mountain.     We sent lots of devices such as rockets and robots to understand Mars's past, present, and potential to live in the future. We found many fossil

COVID-19: Background, Infection, Spreading, And Future Guess

    This new decade started with lots of disasters such as huge forest fires in Australia and Ukraine, strong earthquakes and more like this. However, a disaster certainly is the worst in 2020 that is SARS-CoV-2 (also known as COVID-19)    COVID-19 is part of the virus family. There are several parts of viruses with this family like SARS and MERS. In 2002-2003, SARS appeared in the world. It infected 8.000 people and killed 800 people. In 2012, MERS appeared like SARS worldwide. It infected 2500 people and killed 900 people.    COVID-19 is a developed version of other old viruses. General idea is that this virus appeared in a wet market in Wuhan with pangolins and bats. Unlike others, it spreads fast and it has 3 types of unusual proteins; Spikes (S) protein, Membrane (M) protein, and Envelope (E) protein. Spikes are really important for this virus because they are used as a key to get inside a cell in our body.       When it gets inside our body, the virus's viral geneti

The Best Telescope Ever: Hubble Space Telescope 🔭

   The human race has been wondering how many constellations, planets, stars, comets, nebulas are in the universe. Galileo invented the first telescope. We found lots of things with telescopes but there was not enough for us. In April 1990, Edwin Hubble created a new telescope which is used as a digital camera for discovering unobserved objects. He called it Hubble Space Telescope.    This amazing telescope can capture photos in visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared light to solve mysteries in the space. The photos far much clear than the other ones because of its unusual design. Hubble features are four main devices to observe in the hard conditions.      The Hubble Space Telescope's costs are $1.5 billion dollars. Its length is 2.4 meters and 10.4 tons. Its mission is observing the space and it has discovered over 1.3 million space objects such as stars, planets and black holes. The most famous one is "Eye of the God"      Interestingly, when i

Time Travel Is Possible

   Since many years, the human race has been thinking that time travel is possible. Many films such as "Back to the Future" are based on time travel because If this interesting event is possible, everything will change.        Approximately 100 years ago, Einstein has claimed that gravity can bend the time which is called "Relativity". Slowing down or speeding up depends on how fast you move relative to something. If an astronaut who is inside a spaceship, it age much much slower than a person who is in the earth.    He also said time is four dimensions. Unlike time, space is three dimensions and they are an inseparable part of one thing. According to the physicians, they say that "The bending of space-time causes objects to move on a curved path and that curvature of space is what we know as gravity."    Einstein said that huge gravity affects you in terms of getting a slow time experience. Black holes, neutron stars and wormholes have

Stephen Hawking: The Most Famous Physican

  Stephen Hawking, which is the most famous physician, was born in 1942. He studied physics at Oxford University. Then, he went to Cambridge University for his research in cosmology. In his early 20's, he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. For this reason, he became unable to speak and walk and so he used a voice synthesiser and armchair. He won lots of awards in the fields of mathematics and science. Unfortunately, when he was 76, a very clever scientist died.     He believes that we must find a liveable planet sooner rather than later. He claimed that they have found a planet which is Proxima-B for colonization. He said it is the best destination for living longer. However, even the best rockets, for now, rockets reach their goal of thousands of years but we don't have too much time.     He said that 3 crucial reasons for moving another planet are epidemic eruptions such as Covid-19, uncontrolled artificial intelligence, and aliens.  Scientists have

The Sun's Devil Twin: Nemesis

   The sun might have a devil twin which is called Nemesis. In 1980, scientists have claimed that every star born with twins like every matter has a antimatter and it is certain that the sun is a huge and shiny star. Two of them born with nuclear fusion in the same cloud and same conditions.      However, astronomers have not discovered this devil star yet but they created a simulation that where is the Nemesis. The simulation demonstrates that they might place in Oort Cloud in the Milky Way Galaxy. Oort Cloud is really huge and it has millions of icy building blocks of planets, comets, and asteroids which is the cause of making it invisible.   Astronomers have researched that there are lots of reasons for the invisible Nemesis and they found that this devil star is so deep, red or brown colour, and moving with us.    Steven Stahler, a UC Berkeley research astronomer said: "We are saying, yes, there probably was a Nemesis, a long time ago."    Every 28