Stephen Hawking: The Most Famous Physican

  Stephen Hawking, which is the most famous physician, was born in 1942. He studied physics at Oxford University. Then, he went to Cambridge University for his research in cosmology. In his early 20's, he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. For this reason, he became unable to speak and walk and so he used a voice synthesiser and armchair. He won lots of awards in the fields of mathematics and science. Unfortunately, when he was 76, a very clever scientist died.

    He believes that we must find a liveable planet sooner rather than later. He claimed that they have found a planet which is Proxima-B for colonization. He said it is the best destination for living longer. However, even the best rockets, for now, rockets reach their goal of thousands of years but we don't have too much time. 

   He said that 3 crucial reasons for moving another planet are epidemic eruptions such as Covid-19, uncontrolled artificial intelligence, and aliens.  Scientists have not discovered any aliens yet but Stephen Hawking said: "As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone."

   Stephen Hawking also said: “For humans to survive, I believe we must have the preparations in place within 100 years.” which shows that we need to move the planet in terms of living longer and safer. 
 Some criteria for surviving another planet are having an atmosphere, oxygen molecules, and good water resources. Moreover, the distance between the earth and the sun must be equal to the new planet and the sun.

   He left us lots of advice on how to survive the human race with his quotes. He said: "So remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet." that says that we should study the universe to find the liveable planet. I hope that we will find the most suitable planet with sciences.


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