Strange Things On Mars and Solar System That Show Us, Aliens Are Living With Us

   With the 21st century, Mars, also called "Red Planet", became more and more crucial for us because we found lots of strange things in Mars which might show that Aliens are living with us in our Solar System.

  Mars formed 4.5 billion years ago that is the second smaller planet in our Solar System. Its core is a complex thing which includes iron, nickel and sulfur. Its surface has lots of irons. For this reason, the colour is copper-red because of oxygen and iron's oxidation. Climate is really harsh for us because it has both drought and cold. It is generally -142 degrees Celsius. 

    Research shows that 3.8 billion years ago, it had water sources in Nili Fossae, now it is just a drought in there. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the Solar System which is 3 times larger than Everest Mountain.

    We sent lots of devices such as rockets and robots to understand Mars's past, present, and potential to live in the future. We found many fossils and strange things like sculptures with this mission.

These photos show some sort of Martian statue, humanoid, reptile, monolith (which is a large flat object) and pyramid-like ancient Egyptians ones.

    In 2017, we observed Oumuamua which is the first unidentified interstellar object. Many astronomers said that this object could be Alien craft because of its unusual shape, fast, and acceleration. They also said: "This unusually big variation in brightness means that the object is highly elongated: about ten times as long as it is wide, with a complex, convoluted shape."

    On April 27, the Pentagon released three videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” —called UFOs. They have both unusual shape, fast, and acceleration. Harvard University claimed that Oumuamua is not a man-made thing. 

    Mars and Aliens have a common point. Maybe, millions of years ago, Aliens lived on Mars but all of them were wiped out like dinosaurs or life on Mars is still valid. All of the things say that aliens are probably real creatures. Mars may hold a key for answering our questions.


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