
Calculate Your SARS-CoV-2 Period

            SARS-CoV-2 is the most dangerous virus around the world with this new decade. If we catch the virus, when can we spread the virus molecules?     The answer is not obvious but scientists have found the process for spreading. I want to talk about the process of using names which will help people to understand effectively.    Jeremy who meets his infected friend Sarah may get infected. If both of them don't use a mask and pay action the social distance, healthy Jeremy can infect easily.     According to the reports, if Jeremy gets the virus molecules from Sarah, 2 or 5 days later he will catch the virus. However, if this person's immune system is stronger to fight the virus molecules, he may not have the virus that is really rare around the world.    For instance, If Jeremy meets with his patient friend Sarah on 10 May, he will probably become infected on 12 or 15 May.      After Jeremy get infected, the incubation period starts, that is the t

Why Do We Get Menopause or Andropause?

   Around the world, lots of men have andropause. This problem is interested in men's testosterone rates .    Low testosterone level can cause having andropause. Testosterone is really significant for men in terms of developing physical characteristics such as deep voice, muscle strength, facial hair, body and competitive behaviour.    In 50's age, men's testosterone level gets lower than average age. However, some medical conditions such as cancer can give rise to the possibility of having early andropause. (especially prostate cancer cases)    Andropause may result in significant physical and emotional change in men. There are some symptoms of having andropause: 🔵 Low energy level 🔵 Low muscle strange 🔵 Fatigue 🔵 Memory problems 🔵 Insomnia 🔵 Changing Attitudes The same problem is menopause which leads to having problems in women.    Menopause is interested in the eggs in women. When the females are born, they have about 1 or 3 mill

The Mystery in Water

     Water crystal can change such as beautiful or ugly which depends on what you said to water. Water is one of the most significant resources in the world. The human nature can not live long without it. 75% of the human body exists of water.    In 2004, Masaru Emoto published the book "The Hidden Message In Water". This book based on water's secrets such as its molecules. His hypothesis said that water could react to positive or negative thoughts.    Scientists demonstrated that these molecules really react when they said good words like happiness, love, beauty, and more. Here are some pictures of the water molecules:    In the Muslim religion, this is a really common thing. They use the water for praying. They strongly believe that when they pray with using water, water's molecules become more healthier for them. Actually, this ritual is quite real and scientific.    In the world, lots of secrets hidden from us. If we find that mysteries, we w

Cancer: Treatment Ways, Causes, Varieties, and Metastasis

   Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases which causes lots of deaths around the world.    It means "uncontrolled growth of tissue in some part of the human body". Also referred to as a "tumour"    In 2012, 14.1 million people had cancer which is the top number for one year. Unfortunately, 8.2 million patient died because of cancer. With these many deaths, scientists took action to solve this really significant problem. They tried to find new treatment way.     Scientists wanted to understand the cancer metastasis with background knowledge. Stephen Paget, James Ewing and more helped to understand the metastasis.  ðŸ”¶ Cause of Cancer: 🔵 Smoking 🔵 Sunlight  🔵 Radiation 🔵 Viruses 🔵 Alcohol 🔵 Diet 🔵 Tobacco  ðŸ”¶ Cancer has many varieties but 5 ones are the most common type: 🔴 Breast 🔴 Prostate  🔴 Lung  🔴 Colon  🔴 Stomach   🔶 The Cancer Metastasis Process:              1- Primary Tumour Growth: Canc

Lucid Dream: Process, Benefits, Dangers, and Experiences

   A lucid dream is a dream that a person is aware of dreaming with consciousness. The dreamer can control his dreams and remember vividly everything about his dreams.        In the 17th century, Sir Thomas Browne who is a physician was really into dreams. He described his unusual talent in a Lucid dream in his Religio Medici. However, in Buddhism, getting self-aware was really common practice for their religion, when they were dreaming.    Lucid dream is not for everyone because it has lots of benefits and dangers for the human body. Moreover, several people died when they are Lucid dreaming which is not obvious.                              There are some benefits to have Lucid dreams: 🔵 Preventing nightmares with controlling your dream 🔵 Doing whatever you want such as flying with unicorns, destroying the aliens, or having a conversation with someone you love 🔵 Studying in an exam before the exam days.    However, dangers are more common than benefits:

Brain: The Most Complex Organ

  Brain is one of the most fascinating organs in our body. It has approximately 86 million neurons which help to our functions such as breathing and learning. Our brain is consist of 2 main places: the brain stem and the cerebellum. It has four lobes; the parietal, frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes.    Brain gyrus leads to communication with every neurons effectively. If the number of gyrus decrease, people will probably have a learning disability and thinking slowly. As long as people develop themselves with learning another foreign language, solving a puzzle or playing instruments, their neurons will become stronger. Moreover, people can prevent Alzheimer disease with this knowledge.    We differ from animals in terms of thinking and making a decision. Herculano Houzel clarified this that in the brain's cortex area, human has millions of neurons in there, unlike animals. For this reason, we have many difference between the animals.    We have several abno

The Big Bang: How Our Universe And Time Started?

    In 1920, Georges Lemaître acclaimed that an extremely tiny matter which was stuck in a small point 13.8 million years ago. A small matter which is approximately 100 million degrees Celsius, incredibly moving fast and blew up which led to creating millions of stars and galaxies. However, this explosion is an unusual one. This theory is called Big Bang which is by far the best explanation of how our universe began.    After the Big Bang event, the process is quite simple: first, tiny particles came together and they formed atoms. These atoms grouped like particles and they created molecules that led to lots of stars being born. When these stars died, planets, asteroids, comets and black holes formed.    The universe is based on spaces, matters, energy, time, and space objects such as galaxies. Human nature observed many things in our universe, but we have not discovered millions of places in there. Approximately every new  2 decades, we have found a new better telescopes f