Lucid Dream: Process, Benefits, Dangers, and Experiences

   A lucid dream is a dream that a person is aware of dreaming with consciousness. The dreamer can control his dreams and remember vividly everything about his dreams.


   In the 17th century, Sir Thomas Browne who is a physician was really into dreams. He described his unusual talent in a Lucid dream in his Religio Medici. However, in Buddhism, getting self-aware was really common practice for their religion, when they were dreaming.

   Lucid dream is not for everyone because it has lots of benefits and dangers for the human body. Moreover, several people died when they are Lucid dreaming which is not obvious.                          

   There are some benefits to have Lucid dreams:

🔵 Preventing nightmares with controlling your dream
🔵 Doing whatever you want such as flying with unicorns, destroying the aliens, or having a conversation with someone you love
🔵 Studying in an exam before the exam days.

   However, dangers are more common than benefits:

⚫ Having low energy even sleeping 12 hours
⚫ Losing life appetizing
⚫ Having a complication between life and dream
⚫ Feeling sleepy and tired
⚫ Having headache in day 

   Process is quite hard because dreamer has to do lots of things. 

1- Talking to yourself: Before sleeping, you should talk to yourself "I am going to have a Lucid dream in this night.". You can repeat this sentence until sleeping.

2- Taking notes: While dreamer is sleeping, he can be awake for 3 or 4 sec. At that time, he should write everything that he saw in his dream. Dreamer should be fast in this procedure because we don't want to disturb his sleep.

3- Self-aware: During the dream, you have to aware that it is all a dream. For understanding the dream, you can use a mirror, time, or a place you familiar. When you look at the mirror, if everything is not right or the place is different for some ways, you will be aware of the Lucid dream.

   If you do all these 3 steps which I have mentioned, you will probably have a Lucid dream and remember everything vividly about your dream. However, from my personal experiences about Lucid dreams, I do not recommend for you because of its dangerous sides. You can post comments about your Lucid dream experiences😋.


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