Genetically Modified Babies With CRISPR

     Genetically modified babies were born in China with using CRISPR gene-editing technology.

   CRISPR is one of the most significant technologies worldwide because, in this way, the human race can find solutions for some problems such as genetic diseases. However, this technology is a really controversial issue because several people believe that this technology can help us. Unlike others, many people say that CRISPR is really dangerous and not ethic for us.         

    In China, Dr He Jiankui modified twins for reducing their possible HIV infection. For now, both of them quite healthy but we can not know what the future holds because maybe when he is 5, he will have more serious disease than HIV. We have lots of question marks about this issue.

   Another experiment is that one married couple's and one woman's genes were used for modifying a baby for determining eyes colour, gender, and abilities with in vitro fertilization. Egg cell's (also referred to as ovule) mitochondria nucleotides were modified for determining baby's things. Cell needs to another mitochondria for surviving, for this reason, a woman's egg mitochondria, another woman's egg cell and father's sperm cell combined in vitro fertilization. Then, zygote transferred the mother's uterus (ZIFT technique). 

   These interesting gene modifying things are amazing because we can help people who are suffering from genetic diseases. 

   If you had a chance to modify your own baby for genetic diseases, would you genetically modify your baby's genes? ( I am wondering your answers, you can comment🥰)


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