The War Of The Currents: Nikola Tesla's AC vs Thomas Edison's DC

   Have you ever heard the real story of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison? Here is the story of Nikola Tesla who was the genius of science.   


  On July 10th, 1859 Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia (for our world). He was fascinated with the world and nature. In his early 13, he had the ability to perform integral calculus in his head. He was good in every area of science in high school and finished it early. When he was 21, he had learned 8 different foreign languages.

   He was passionate about working really hard. For this reason, the professors wrote a letter to Tesla's father stating that his son may be killed due to overwork. He did not graduate from the university of engineering department for some reasons. 

   Tesla began working for Thomas Edison's company with studying Direct-Current in 1882. This is the turning point for his life. Edison offered Tesla 1 million US dollars in today's currency for redesigning Edison's DC motors and generates. He studied very well for fixing the problems with DC and he succeeded. When he asked for the money, Edison laughed and said: "Mr Tesla, you do not understand our American humour." After that, he was devastated and resigned from Edison's DC cooperation.     

   The war of the currents started with Tesla's new cooperation for Alternative-Current (AC). He used thinner wires and fighter voltages that is help to transmit electricity over long distances. Edison publicly electrocuted animals using Tesla's AC to prove that it is not safe to be used in any home.

   However, Edison became more and more despised and lost control of his company. The human nature appreciated AC motors, generators,  transformers, and power transmission that are still being used today in all the systems such as mobile phones and cars. He died on January 7th, 1943 from coronary thrombosis.


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