Vaccines: How They Work and Their Processes

   Vaccines are one of the most crucial discoveries worldwide because they are saving many people’ lives.

   In 1796, Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccine. He injected materials from a cowpox virus into an eight years old boy to save people from deadly outbreaks of the related smallpox virus and his experiment succeeded. How did this vaccine work?     

    They are 4 main types of vaccines that are Live-attenuated, inactivated, toxoid, and subunit vaccines. Every type of vaccine is quite simple in terms of process. The process is that:
1- Foreign weak microbes invade the body
2- Our immune system triggers a series of responses 
3- Immune system identifies and remove them from the human body
4- B and T cells are fight the microbes and also record information about the microbe
5- Immune system creates the memory about how best to fight them
6- If the same microbe invades the body, our system will react and defeat it         

   However, vaccine development takes lots of time at least 1 year because it has 3 levels: Research, testing and manufacturing. Step one is that we should get the bacterias or viruses genes to create testable vaccine. Getting testable vaccine takes at least four months. Then, the testing stage stars with phase 1. At this step, scientists focus on the intensity and establish vaccine which is safe or effective. Phase 2 that scientists focus on determining the right dosage. Phase 3 is that scientists make sure the all side effects and then, they use for the population. 

   Nowadays, we are fighting against SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Many scientists are working on finding a vaccine that is quite hard. I hope that scientists will find the right vaccine for the human race.


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