
What Is Biomedical Engineering?

      Biomedical Engineering is a branch of science that deals with medical problems. BME is a complex field which consists of medicine, biology, computer science, and mechanical engineering. Biomedical engineers are basically making artificial limbs, designing the structure to be similar to a normal human organ, and designing the mechanical structure to maintain the best quality for humans.                  One of the earliest basic examples created by Egyptians 3000 years ago because humans needed to develop life-enhancing tools. Years and years, BME has been growing much faster than the average for all occupations from 2012 to 2019. Imagination is one of the significant elements because If you want to create a device, it should be cheaper, faster, and accurate than the other created devices. It is an amazing and inspiring point that If a biomedical engineer creates something, he may save thousands of lives.          A biomedical engineer can create prosthesis, surgical systems/devic

Artificial Intelligence: How It Works? Risks and Future Predictions

   Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence became an inseparable part of our lives? Humans are the most intelligent creature as far as we know. However, artificial intelligence is a strong rival in this area. Briefly, AI is the technology which is programmed to make our lives easier such as a human. The aim is creating a functional and productive system. Artificial intelligence is quite significant technology because it increases the human capability effectively at low cost.      In the middle of the 20th century, the idea of artificial intelligence became more common around the world. One of the fathers of AI John McCarthy played a really significant role in understanding this new technology.     Creating an AI is extremely hard because it requires lots of qualities in the area of computer and machine language. Here are the 6 basic components of artificial intelligence: 1- Machine Learning 2- Deep Learning  3- Cognitive Computing 4- Natural Language Processing (

What If The Multiverse Existed: Theories and Explanations

   As a result of the Big Bang, our unique universe existed approximately 13.7 million years ago. Then, human nature started moving in both time and space. However, we have a question: what If multiple universes exist? Many tv series such as Stranger Things or movies like Avengers used multiple universes theory.     Astronomers are limited to observe the universe because the observable universe is much larger than we thought. Fortunately, mathematics is one of the most powerful guides to understand realms and reality. According to mathematical models, several scientists claimed that an unknown trigger caused it to expand in 2 or more dimensions.     There are dozens of possible explanations why the multiverse is possible but 2 interesting theories stand out: 1- Bubble Theory:     This explanation belongs to Alexander Vilekin. He claimed that our universe is a bubble that is full of stars and planets in a network of bubble universes. There is no connection between those bubb

Dark World: Effect of The Possible Solar Flares

   A new solar model is predicting the next solar storms. For doing this, it is monitoring regions of high magnetic activity. That new solar model based on 10 years worth of data collected by SDO. This technology will definitely help us because we are not ready for a possible global blackout.    Our world's magnetic field protects us from the sun's radiation and solar flares. According to scientists, "Superflare" that is 20 times stronger than others. This new and severe thread will probably affect our satellite and electricity resources even the earth's magnetic field. If that day comes, what will happen? Here is a list of possibilities. 1- We won't communicate with someone 2- Electrical devices won't work such as cell phones and power plants 3- GPS coordinates will be false or won't work entirely 4- We won't store our foods that will cause a global poverty  5- Satellites won't work or broke completely 6- Hospital will be useless for severe pa

If We Don't Sleep Well, What Happens?

   Have you ever wondered why should we sleep? An international team of researchers recently published evidence that sleeping well might have evolved to protect mammals from severe diseases such as cancer or heart attack.    They examined sleep patterns of more than 40 mammalian species which are elephants. baboons and hedgehogs along with the strength of the immune system that is a really complex system to protect us from infections. Giraffes sleep for just a few hours a day. Unlike giraffes, armadillos sleep for 20 hours.    Scientists claimed that boosting the immune system is just one of the significant functions of sleep. During the sleeping. brain recognise connections between neurons and proteins that are responsible for repairing the tissues.    According to a new experiment, among 153 people voluntarily infected with a weak virus, those who approximate sleep than seven hours of sleep were three times weaker than those with eight hours of sleep or more.        If yo

Immune System: How It Works and How To Boost It?

    Every single moment in our lives, we have a risk of getting infections from billions kind of bacteria or viruses. Their aim is that they try to make us their livable home. However, the human body is defended by a super complex little army that is "Immune System".    Immune System is a really complex system to protect us against microbic enemies. Its job consists of 4 main points: 🔶 Killing Enemies 🔶 Communication 🔶 Activating Cells 🔶 Causing Inflammation    Skin is the first barrier to fight against the possible infection. When a threatening microbic enemy gets through the skin, in 20 minutes, it starts using up the body's resources to reproduce. Macrophages are the first cells to fight with the enemies. If they need backup, they send a messenger protein to communicate with their colleagues.     The neutrophils fight really furiously and they create barriers to kill the threatening microbic enemy. If all of the things is not enough to overcome the problem, the den

Rosalind Franklin: The Mother Of The Double Helix

   The discovery of the DNA is still one of the most significant scientific discoveries in the world. Many people know that the double helix model represents Watson and Crick who won the Nobel Prize. Two of the scientists were the key to model DNA. However, it is not accurate. Here is the real story about DNA.    Rosalind Franklin was born in 1920 in London. She was really good at science in high school and her dream was becoming a woman scientist even the social pressure. At that time, people thought that science is not a convenient career path for women.     She studied hard and won a scholarship to Cambridge University for studying chemistry. In 1951, she joined a college to use x-ray diffraction for her study of DNA. James Watson and Francis Crick were also studying in the same college. Unfortunately, Rosalind Franklin was isolated from her man colleagues that are not acceptable.    In 1952, she obtained Photo-51 which is the most significant x-ray photograph of DNA. This amazing d