Rosalind Franklin: The Mother Of The Double Helix

   The discovery of the DNA is still one of the most significant scientific discoveries in the world. Many people know that the double helix model represents Watson and Crick who won the Nobel Prize. Two of the scientists were the key to model DNA. However, it is not accurate. Here is the real story about DNA.

   Rosalind Franklin was born in 1920 in London. She was really good at science in high school and her dream was becoming a woman scientist even the social pressure. At that time, people thought that science is not a convenient career path for women. 

   She studied hard and won a scholarship to Cambridge University for studying chemistry. In 1951, she joined a college to use x-ray diffraction for her study of DNA. James Watson and Francis Crick were also studying in the same college. Unfortunately, Rosalind Franklin was isolated from her man colleagues that are not acceptable.

   In 1952, she obtained Photo-51 which is the most significant x-ray photograph of DNA. This amazing discovery took 100 hours to just produce that image. Watson and Crick had been working on finding DNA’s structure. One day, Franklin’s lab assistant who is Maurice Wilkins took Photo-51 and showed it to Watson and Crick. With a quick analysis of Rosalind Franklin’s image, they published their model of DNA. The journey was published but they put Franklin’s papers last.

   She stopped working on DNA and in 1958, she dies from cancer. In 1962, Watson and Crick won the Nobel Prize for their work on DNA. After all these things, her brave personality set an example for us and her fighting sexism in science played quite a significant role in biology, medicine, and other science areas. That is the story of “The Mother Of The Double Helix”.



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