Immune System: How It Works and How To Boost It?

    Every single moment in our lives, we have a risk of getting infections from billions kind of bacteria or viruses. Their aim is that they try to make us their livable home. However, the human body is defended by a super complex little army that is "Immune System".

   Immune System is a really complex system to protect us against microbic enemies. Its job consists of 4 main points:

🔶 Killing Enemies

🔶 Communication

🔶 Activating Cells

🔶 Causing Inflammation

   Skin is the first barrier to fight against the possible infection. When a threatening microbic enemy gets through the skin, in 20 minutes, it starts using up the body's resources to reproduce. Macrophages are the first cells to fight with the enemies. If they need backup, they send a messenger protein to communicate with their colleagues. 

   The neutrophils fight really furiously and they create barriers to kill the threatening microbic enemy. If all of the things is not enough to overcome the problem, the dendritic cells get activated. Dendritic cells have to make a decision in two possibilities; calling for anti-virus forces or bacteria killers. Then, when T cells are activated, they help the dendritic cells. T  and B cells duplicate to fight against the enemy. During all these processes, enemies start hurting the human body. After the teamwork, the infection is wiped out successfully. Memory Helper T Cells and Memory B cell will be read for the same infection.

Here is the list for boosting your stunning immune system:

1- Doing Daily Exercises

2- Taking Care Of Eating Habit

3- Washing Your Hands Frequently

4- Getting Enough Sleep

5- Managing Your Stress Rate

If you follow these steps, you probably won’t be infected easily.



  1. I thought macrophages are always late to the party?

    1. You made me laugh😂. I also agree with you👊🏻. I really like your comment. Thank you very much💙


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