Artificial Intelligence: How It Works? Risks and Future Predictions

   Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence became an inseparable part of our lives? Humans are the most intelligent creature as far as we know. However, artificial intelligence is a strong rival in this area. Briefly, AI is the technology which is programmed to make our lives easier such as a human. The aim is creating a functional and productive system. Artificial intelligence is quite significant technology because it increases the human capability effectively at low cost. 

    In the middle of the 20th century, the idea of artificial intelligence became more common around the world. One of the fathers of AI John McCarthy played a really significant role in understanding this new technology. 

   Creating an AI is extremely hard because it requires lots of qualities in the area of computer and machine language. Here are the 6 basic components of artificial intelligence:
1- Machine Learning
2- Deep Learning 
3- Cognitive Computing
4- Natural Language Processing (NPL)
5- Computer Vision
6- Neural Network 
   In many areas of life, we are utilizing this technology. If you are using an iPhone, Siri is one of the best examples of AI. Netflix,, and Alexa are also great examples of AI.

   Artificial intelligence is really nice to make it easier. Nevertheless, is AI dangerous for humanity in some ways? Here is the list of risks about AI:
⚫It can be programmed to do something devastating
⚫AI can reach our privacy such as passwords 
⚫People may lose their jobs because AI is more useful 
⚫Robots might develop a robotic language to communicate with each other
   According to research, in 2030, over 800 million people will lose their jobs.

   The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that artificial intelligence is an amazing tool which is necessary for life. If we know how to control AI, it will be really useful. 


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