Charles Darwin and His Evolution Theory

  Charles Darwin who is one of the most famous naturalists and biologists was born on 12 February 1809, best known for his work to the science of evolution with publishing book "On The Origin Of Species" in 1859.

    In 1835, he visited the Galapagos Islands for his study of nature. He collected animals and plants species. He observed all nature and wildlife in the Galapagos Islands. He found lots of knowledge about animals and plants.

   His famous book based on his knowledge which he discovered in his journey. This book is really important for us because it helps to understand the evolution and natural selection.

   Evolution is that species change in the heritable characteristic of biological populations over successive generations. Natural selection is a great example of clarifying evolution.  

   Natural selection is that every species improves themselves in terms of surviving longer and adapting to the environment. Each species had not always been the way we know it because of natural selection. It improves animals abilities and a better chance to survive. It never stops changing the evolution of species take place. Also know that the strong species survive, the weak species die. 

   Scientists have discovered something which may evidence for evolution theory. Basically, the human hand is really similar to cat hand in terms of shape and working. Moreover, different bird species are similar to each other in terms of anatomical. 

  However, all of this knowledge and proofs is not enough to make it an obvious theory. Several scientists agree with Charles Darwin and his study of evolution. In the future, we will find a certain explanation for evolution and natural selection.


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