Do You Want To Create A Mind Palace?

  Have you ever heard Sherlock Holmes's Memory/Mind Palace? or have you ever wondered why someone is good at memorising or learning effectively?

   In the past several decades, an amazing method has played a significant role in memorising and remembering everything you want such as vocabularies. This is the "Sherlock's Mind Palace" (also called Method of Loci. Sherlock Holmes is known with 3 characteristics that are deep observation, scepticism, and possibility thinking. As long as study hard in this field to memorize easily, you will probably use in any areas. This technique aims to develop your long-term memory. Here is the process of creating Mind Palace.


1- Create Your Unique Memory Palace:

   This palace could be your home, school or neighbourhood because you have to be familiar with the palace. First, you should decide to right place for you. If you are beginner, you can draw your rooms and items to memorize effectively.

2- Create a Path and Formula It: 

   Daily routines help to create this stage because you will never forget your routines.


✅First step: You enter into your home. The door's colour is blue and made by woods.

✅Second step: You go to the living room for watching TV series on Netflix.

✅Third step: You eat some snacks during the watching series.

✅Fourth step: You turn off the television with remote control.

✅Fifth step: You sleep on the sofa. 

You should keep it in your mind that a path has to at least 5 remindful points/steps.

3- Add Details On Your Paths:

   Details will definitely help to remember whole things. For example, "there are 3 pillows which are really soft on the sofa. The colours are black, white, and pink. 3 of them has the same symbol that is avocado". Every item on your path should be more detailed.

4- Associate Things You Want To Memory:

   This is the last step for creating a Mind Palace. 5 things such as words or objects you want to memory need to associate with your steps. For instance, the first step has to match with the first thing you want to memory. Then, you have to create a story with routine. The story can be interesting or fantastic which make it more remindful.

☑Things for you want to remember: Cat, lie, apple, DNA, and biomedical engineering.


“ When I was opening the door, suddenly, a cat appeared in front of the blue door. I have never seen such a beautiful cat. Then, I opened my blue door. I switched on my television for watching my TV series. When I accessed my Netflix account, it sent me a message. Message said that ‘Don’t Lie To Me is streaming now!’ etc.”

This example shows that the first step is matched with the first word which is ‘cat’ and the second step is matched with the second one that is ‘lie’. You can complete the others on your own.

   This memorizing technique will definitely help you to remember easily and effectively. Lots of successful people are using memorizing technique such as Sherlock's Mind Palace. You can use this amazing technique in your life such as learning biology or foreign language. If you struggle in this technique, you will get it.


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