Human Microchip Implant: How It Works, Benefits and Drawbacks

   In the 21st century, Biohackers created a microchip which may help the human race in the medical field. They also believe that this microchips will change the world in terms of saving lives.

   Interestingly, these new devices were used to find identified lost animals. These days, Biohackers are putting the human microchip implant into the volunteers’ hands. This process just takes 5 or 10 minutes and less painfully. It has lots of opportunities in every area such as medical or career field. It can be read by scanners installed in the mobile phones. Microchips have huge potential, especially for illnesses. When our vital functions get worse, it can warn us before we get severe illness.          

   There are several benefits of putting the implant:
1- Easier Identification
2- Our Medical History Will Always Be Easily Accessible
3- Automatically Control Devices
4- It Can Use AS A Credit Cards
5- Easier Access Control
   However, there are also some drawbacks of putting the implant too:
1- Thread Our Healths And Privacy
2- It Can Control Our Decisions
3- Danger Of Easier Hacking                            

   Elon Musk who is the founder of SpaceX revealed a plan to implant computer chips into our brains which is called Neuralink. The aim is to wire brains to the internet. He believes that Neuralink will helps humans keep up with AI.

   Biohackers and scientists are working on how the human race can live better. Their inventions such as CRISPR gene-editing and microchip implant are quite logical and rewarding. However, many people are sceptical about this topic because they believe that these new inventions are not completely safe for humans.


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