Near-Death Experience: Why does it happen?

   Have you ever wondered what happens when someone has clinically died, a few minutes later he/she returned?       

   Scientists have been studying to understand this interesting phenomenon. They studied 130 people who had experienced “Near Death Experience” (also called NDE). Approximately %80 of these people are remembering every detail vividly. Moreover, in 2000, Hector Lugo who has clinically died from a heart attack for 12 minutes and the others told us what they saw. There are 6 main things that were seen:
1- Huge Tunnel
2- Bright Light
3- Beautiful and Colorful Things
4- Interesting Sound They Have Never Heard Before
5- The Out Of Body Experience
6- Sense Of Love and Peace

    It is really hard to study with these people. First, most of the people do not want to share their NDE with someone. Second, it is very hard to design a study for finding the answers. However, scientists have discovered something that NDE could harm their long term memory but some of them are quite healthy in terms of the brain functions. They have realised that NDE is most likely caused by a bunch of different processes and also they surprised that they have the same experiences. 4 possible reasons for having the same experiences 
a) They are actually having similar experiences or lifestyle
b) Biological response such as under stress. When someone is in under stress, the brain release neurotransmitters that cause having hallucinations.
c) They are a psychological response to the threat of death.
d) Combination of these 3 possible thoughts

   Scientist has not found a certain answer of NDE but which is certain that it helped to understand how our brain works or consciousness. If you had an NDE, you can share with us :)


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