SARS-CoV-2 versus Ebola

   The Ebola outbreak started in 2014 and south-east of Guinea. The first patient identified in December 2013. A few weeks later, it became a serious epidemic problem.  In 2016 this virus ended with 28,869 patients and 11,316 deaths. One week later, Ebola started again in the Democratic Republic of Congo and five people died because of this virus.   

   The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak started in 2019 and Wuhan, China. The first patient identified in December 2019. A few months later, it becomes a pandemic worldwide. It is still continuing with 6,474,963 cases and 382,924 deaths.

  Here is the table-1 for understanding how both of two virus are killing and spreading:
                                                 (Prepared from Emir Öncü)

  ◼ The SARS-CoV-2 is spreading faster than the Ebola virus. Unlike COVID-19, Ebola is more deadly according to this table. 

  ◼ Both of them are transmitted to people from wild animals.

  ◼ Approximately, %42.3 of patients dies because of the Ebola. %5.9 of cases dies because of the SARS-CoV-2 according to table-1.

   ◼ Scientists have found the vaccine for the Ebola but, they have not found the vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 yet.

  ◼ Blood or body fluids of a person who is sick with or has died from the Ebola. We are not certainly sure how Coronavirus spreads.

  ◼ Symptoms are quite similar to each other:
🔵 Fever
🔵 Fatigue 
🔵 Muscle Pain
🔵 Headache
🔵 Sore throat 
   Many scientists said that we will face with lots of viruses in the future. We have to experience how can we protect us against the new viruses.


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