The Science Of Being In Love

  Love it the most powerful feeling that makes us feel better. The human nature loves being in love. What is the science of being in love?

   Love is a kind of addiction. If you fall in love with someone, you have some sings which is:
❤ Can not stop thinking him/her
❤ Feeling like you are high
❤ Can not stop staring him/her
❤ Feeling stress 
❤ Your heart rate synchronizes with your partner
❤ Missing him/her all the time
Scientists say that love is an addiction which is really similar to cocaine. When you see a someone which is good looking and nice for us, our hormones react.

   There are some hormones that are playing a huge role in the fall in love but 3 ones are stand out:

1- Dopamine: When a person who finds a partner, their dopamine levels increase. It is also triggered when a baby hears his mother. Moreover, male chimpanzee share a piece of meat with his female chimpanzee, dopamine rates increase again. Dopamine lead to make you high.

2- Norepinephrine: It is also known as adrenaline hormone. When a person see her partner, their adrenaline rates increase and they feel stress and nervous.

3- Oxytocin: When a person who touches or trust someone, his oxytocin level increase. Especially, rates of oxytocin hormone increases during the hugging with someone. Surprisingly, between mother and child, they feel really really close because of this hormone. This hormone helps to connect with 

    Love makes us feel really happy and tight that is obvious. However, scientists have not found the certain answer to be fall in love. These 3 significant hormones lead to love a person. Everyone doesn't have to be fall in love with someone. Interestingly, people can love with his significant objects. Have you ever watched "Léon: The Professional"? If you watch the movie, you will probably understand my thoughts. 


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