The Story Of Human Evolution

   How did the first human exist? According to religions such as Christianity or Islam, Adam or Adem was the first man. However, here is the story of human evolution.  

   The story of human evolution has begun about 7 million years ago. In time, approximately 20 early human species existed. Each species is quite likely of human in terms of physical and behavioural traits:
šŸ”µ Large Brain
šŸ”µ Small Teeth
šŸ”µ Bipedality
šŸ”µ Tool Use

   There are three main types of humanity. One of them is Early Hominins. 7- 4.4 million years ago, they emerged in Africa. They had many ape-like traits. Moreover, fossils demonstrate that ancient hominins were also beginning to show human-like things such as small canines for eating.

   Second one is Australopithecines that emerged in across the African continent 4.4 or 1.4 million years ago. Their physical traits are flat nose, strongly projecting jaw, small brain, strong arms, and bipedality. They were also both human-ape creatures.

   Third one is Homo genus that appeared in the same are like their ancestors. Home genus had lots of species and 3 ones stand out: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens. All of the human species wiped out except the most powerful species Homi sapiens (us). The common belief is that homo sapiens were not destroyed because of natural selection. They developed sophisticated stone technology and shaped the world. They are the first control of the fire. They became one of the most significant species worldwide. 

   Maybe, we are the last human species in the world. What do you think about the future? Do you think that Homo sapiens are managing the world well in terms of nature and prosperity?


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