What Happens To Our Body When We Die?


    Have you ever thought why we die or when we die what happens to our body? Here are the answers to these questions.

   According to scientists, the reason we die is because of the second law of thermology and natural selection. The human race births, lives and dies that is the life. Each day approximately 150,000 people die worldwide. One day we will die too from a disease or accidentally. When that day comes, what happens to our body?
There are three main signs of death:
1- Feeling coldness in your hands, arms, legs, and feet
2- Having reddish or purple skin
3- Having rigour Mortis
In 1968, Dr Harvard claimed that we biologically die, if these things occur:
a) Cardiopulmonary Criteria: The heart stops beating
b) Neurological Criteria: The brain is no longer electrical actions   

   You should keep in your mind that according to research, after we die, our neurons continue living for 3 minutes. Moreover, dead bodies can spread the diseases that are really dangerous for doctors.

    Researchers have documented cases of people who survived being medically dead. They have similar experiences that are feeling of peace, seeing visions of bright light, having relief from physical pain, and feeling fear. These experiences are really interesting because we don’t have any certain evidence about the afterlife.

    Dying is still an unanswered question because we do not know what happens to our energy or spirit after we pass away. That is certain, our cells do not work because of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. I hope that everyone rests in peace :)


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