2020: What Happened In The First Period?

   Do you remember many people said “Happy new year, I hope this new decade will bring us health, luck, and peace.” on 31 December 2019? However, the new decade has started with lots of disasters such as forest fires and viruses. Here is the main list for what happened in 2020’s first period:

1- Forest Fires: 
   In Australia, one of the most dangerous forest fire has happened in December 2019. It was really hard to deal with because of the strong winds. 18.6 million hectares of forest wiped out and several cute animals died. Approximately 450 people were killed to this natural disaster. Moreover, in Arizona, 42,492  hectares of forest and in India, 51,430 hectares of nature destroyed. Unfortunately, humans, animal habitats, animal species, and vegetations were also killed.

2- Floods:
   In Indonesia, the floods destroyed Jakarta that is the centre of Indonesia and nearby areas. Heavy rains caused by this terrible natural disaster. 66 people lost their lives. In China, 11 million people were affected by the flood and many people died.

3- SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak:
   The first diagnostic was in December 2019 in China. World Health Organization declared on March 11. We have over 11 million cases and over 530 thousands death worldwide. Scientist have not found the vaccines and medication yet. Lots of countries are still trying to cope with this outbreak.

4- Volcanic Eruptions:
   In the Philippines, volcanic eruptions have happened with spreading ash dust over 100 km away which influenced 300 thousand people. This event happened again 43 years ago. They are still facing with this disaster.

5- Earthquakes:
   The number of earthquakes has increased with 2020. Turkey, China, the Philippines, India, Russia, the Caribbean, and more were affected by the earthquakes. 47 earthquakes from these earthquakes characterised over 6 magnitudes. Unfortunately, several people died to the earthquakes.

6- Locust Swarms:
   One of the worst attacks happened in March. Millions of desert locust have swarmed in India, East Africa, and Asia. They wiped out kind of vegetations that caused of increasing climate change. As a result of swarming, temperature is increasing day by day. 

7- Ebola Outbreak:
   World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the outbreak of Ebola. It started in April when the patient was identified. 3,470 people caught the virus and several people died. Fortunately, the death rate is not too crucial, just 20 or 30 death) worldwide.

8- Deadly Lightning Strikes:
   In India, a series of major storms in the past few weeks have resulted in 147 deaths. They are still dealing with this problem. Scientists claimed that the storms will get worse.

   These are all happened in 2020’s first period. No one knows what the future hold. Unfortunately, the world is getting worse to stay alive. Second period won’t be different from the first one. We have to be ready for all about the natural and unnatural disasters.


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