Astrology: How It Works and Placebo Effect

   Almost every culture and country studied at astronomy. They believed that the positions of planets, constellations, comets, and more are affecting our lives in some aspects such as our traits. 

   The idea of zodiac sign came forward over 2000 years ago in Iraq. Astronomers claimed that the shape of the moon plays a key role in determining the people's traits or more. This technique based on the 12 shapes of the moon over the course of a year. The zodiac chart is a screenshot of the planets and constellations that divided into 12 houses which represent different personality traits. Our birth date will fall into one of those 12 sections.

   Astrology and astronomy are completely a quite change. Here is the difference between astronomy and astrology. Astronomy is mapping out the stars, planets, constellations, and more. However, astrology is interpreting their effects over us.

   Claudius Ptolemy wrote the one of the most significant astronomy book that is the first accurately book ever that about the mapping out the stars and planets. Tetrabiblos is also the first book for astrology that was written by him.

   Years and years later, the horoscope column became a popular literature worldwide based on sun signs. Many people are taking a look at their daily horoscopes column. Nevertheless, according to many scientists, zodiac signs are not accurate anymore because the earth tilted. The reason why, technically a 13th Ophiuchus existed. This phenomena divided astronomers into two. 

   The science explained that placebo effect causes of the horoscopes are accurate. Study demonstrates that a patient who took fake pills to his problem healed. The reason is because if you believe in something such as horoscopes, it can be enough to get it. 


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