Schrödinger's Imaginary Cat Experiment

   Have you ever wondered the Schrödinger’s cat experiment? He has done something really importing in quantum physics. One of the most famous physicians Erwin Schrödinger was born in Austria, August 12, 1887.

   The reason why he is quite famous physician is because he has done an experiment no one never actually did. This experiment is based on imaginary cat and its possibility of living or dying. In 1935, he took a cat and placed it in a sealed box with a chemical poison. The cat had a 50% chance of living or dying in the next one hour.

   At the end of the that one hour, he said to himself “What is the state of the cat?” The cat was either alive or death. At the instant before the box is opened, the cat has equal chance to live or die at the same time. The quantum mechanical interpretation is that before we look, the cat is in a superposition. It is only and certain when the box is opened, we can see the truth about cat.                                     

   Schrödinger’s cat experiment demonstrates that in quantum theory, quantum particles can exist in a super position of stales at the same time and collapse down to a single state upon interaction with others. It is an amazing example the idea of a wave function for understanding the quantum mechanics. If we put an electron around the nucleus, it can have any of the allowed states or positions, unless we look at it. Eric Martin said that” In any physical system without observation, you can not say what something is doing.”

   Erwin Schrödinger helped us to understand the quantum physics. However, Max Planck and Niels Bohr are the father of the Quantum Theory and each received a Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on quanta. All these significant people are still playing role in terms of creating new technologies.


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