Nuclear Power:Is It a Good Idea?

   In the 1940s, nuclear energy became a great part of our lives. Nuclear energy promised to be a peaceful idea after nuclear weapons raised. They believe that this technology may help us in the future. However, nuclear power was quite complicated and expensive. It was hard to apply in real life.

   More than half of all the nuclear reactors in the world were built between the 1970s and the 19885s. They created "Light Water Reactor" that heats up the water using an artificial chain reaction and nuclear fission. Heavy elements on the brink of stability get bombarded with neutrons. After all these processes, energy and radiation comprise.

   Approximately 440 nuclear reactors were created around the world. Should we stop using nuclear power? Here are the 3 main problems why we should stop using it:
1- Nuclear Weapon: 
   In 1944, two large cities were destroyed by not dangerous 2 nuclear bombs. More than 5 countries have developed their own nuclear weapons for defending themselves. We should not use this technology in a war because it is hard to control safely.

2- Nuclear Pollution:
   Nuclear power causes extremely poisonous chemical elements such as plutonium. Many reactors are managing over a hundred thousand tons of nuclear waste that is a crucial problem.

3- Disasters: 
   We had 7 crucial accidents in reactors dealing with control the nuclear power. Large areas of land in Russia and Ukraine affected by Chernobyl disaster. This terrible thing is still affecting nature and humanity due to high radiation rate.

   They are lots of withdraw for using nuclear power but this technology reducing the carbon dioxide level in air. Renewable energy is much better than the nuclear power in terms of safety and reproductivity. We will see that nuclear power has lots of bad sides in long term.



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