One Of The Most Crucial Problems: Climate Change

 In 1970, the industrial revolution has been changing everything in terms of technological facilities and quality of life. However, all these awesome improvements consequence of a crucial problem that is climate change.


   Human activities, overpopulation, pollution, and more cause of the climate change. Since the industrial revolution, 1.5 trillion tons of CO2 are emitting into the atmosphere. Almost every year, the human race are emitting approximately 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases and C02. Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous in the atmosphere increase the level of temperature that is affecting the Arctic and wildlife. With the new decade, the carbon dioxide level is the highest in the earth’s history.

   This problem is affecting the humanity. There are 4 main effects of climate change:

1- Food: Lots of animals are being wiped out and vegetations are changing that affects to produce food.

2- Weather: Almost every year, we break the new records such as the highest temperature or we face with interesting weather events.

3- Nature and Wildlife: Arctics are melting that cause the sea level rising. We are facing droughts and at the same time floats.

4- Health: Dangerous smoke is causing the lung cancer and severe heart disease.

   We all humanity are the guilty of these unnatural disasters. We should create renewable energies such as wind turbines to eliminate detrimental gasses. Unless we do not reduce food waste and recycle the pollutions, we won’t be able to stop it. The world is dying and the humanity murderers and witnesses. We have to take action to save the world immediately.


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