The Earth Without Us


   Approximately, 7.6 billion people are living the most gorgeous planet that is the world. The human race impacted the earth creating lots of buildings, devices, cars, power plants and more with technology. What if we suddenly disappeared from the Earth?

   Here is the list what would happen if the human race disappeared:
1- Zoo and farm animals would die from starving and thirst.
2- The mixture of chemical waste such as metals and plastics would cause of outbreak new type of bacterias or diseases.
3- Nuclear power plants would shut down or explode that cause of spreading toxic radiation across the globe.
4-Without fire-fighters, many wood structures and vegetations would be destroyed by fire and that would be really hard to put out the fire.
5- Global warming would continue even if we have gone because we have harmed the nature.
6- Underground rail system would fill with water.
7- According to the natural selection, the strongest species would live and the weakest ones would die.
8- Species would evolve not to be affected by diseases and radiations.

   This is a really good example of what we have done to the earth. It will probably take 250 years to restore and fix everything for the nature. In order to restore the natural, we should do something. If we had never existed, the world would have been a better place to live for the animals and plants. How will you help to make our world a better place?


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