The Inspiring Story of Marie Curie

   Have you ever wondered Marie Curie's inspiring and wonderful life? Here is one of the most important women scientists worldwide.

   She was born in Warsaw, Poland on 7 November 1867. Her full name was Marie Sklodowska. She was good in every area of science in high school. She really wanted to go to the Warsaw University. She had to be a servant to earn money for her education. All these struggle and ambitions, she earned degrees of Mathematics and Physics.

   She needed to a laboratory for the study. She bumped into Pierre Curie who fell in love with one of the most important woman scientist, Marie Curie. Their relationship was not the ordinary. In Marie's birthdays, Pierre would give his original studies like a prize. 

   Curie soon found that the element thorium emitted radiation. The strength of that radiation depended solely on the element's quantity. This led her to conclude that radiation was coming from something fundamental. She focused on a super radioactive matter and claimed that uranium was not the only element to cause a huge radiation rate.

   In 1898, she discovered the polonium and radium. However, she had to have evidence that 2 of them are elements. After all these studies, Pierre and Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband supports. 

   In 1906, Pierre was crushed by a horse-drawn cart. It was such a really sad story because she devastated after this story. She never gave up living even 2 children. In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of 2 elements. To this date, she is the only person to win Nobel Prize in 2 different sciences. 

   In 1934, she died from a bone marrow disease (radiation contamination). She had known that she injured from high radiation level but she accepted all those withdraws for science. With her studies, she opened lots of doors for the humanity in terms of physics, medicine, chemistry, oncology, and more. 


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