One Of The Most Significant Microorganisms: Bacteria

  What are the microorganisms which play a significant role for humanity? The answer is “bacteria”. They are everywhere, on your mobile phone, on your hand even you wash your hand. 

Approximately 400 million years ago, bacteria existed from really early in life on the earth. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek is the first human who observed bacteria in 1676, which called them “animalcules”.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that are complex and really good at surviving in tough conditions. They are categorized into 5 groups according to their shapes:

  • Spherical Bacteria

  • Rod Bacteria

  • Spiral Bacteria

  • Comma Bacteria

  • Corkscrew Bacteria

Lots of people do not know the difference between virus and bacteria. Here is the comparison between 2 of them:

Over 85% of Bacteria are friendly that are quite essential for our bodies. When we are born through the birth canal, lots of mother’s bacteria protect us. Moreover; breast milk contains special ingredients that are meant to be a healthy baby. Approximately 380 million friendly bacteria live in our guts which are called “Bifidobacteria”. These gut bacterias help us to digest the food. Obviously, the immune system is not allowed to kill these friendly bacteria. However, some bacteria create acid that melts our teets. Brushing teeth is key to get rid of these types of bacteria.

According to the brand-new research, swarming bacteria “scream. When they die, they warn neighbouring bacteria are in danger. These screams are not audible, they are chemical alarms. 



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