The Smallest Incredible Bird: Hummingbird

   Around the world, there are many astonishing and unique animal species. The smallest migrating bird "Hummingbird" is one of them. Hummingbirds are named for the sound they make are one of the great wonders in all of nature. Their wings make the titular "humming" sound they are named for. According to the conducted research, hummingbirds were discovered as fossils in Germany 47 million years ago. Their length is just 10-12 cm and their weight is 18-24 grams. Approximately, the lifespan of hummingbirds is 3-5 years. 

   Hummingbirds are extremely smart and their brain is larger. They can beat their tiny wings 50-70 times in a second. One of their daily habits is visiting 1000-2000 flowers to drink nectar (that also helps pollination). Their tiny heart pumps the blood 1200 times per minute. They have a very high metabolism that gives rise to eat all day long just to survive.

    According to scientists, hummingbirds are special because they have lots of amazing traits that are stand out;
🔸 they are the only birds that can fly backwards,
🔸they can recognize flowers they already visited and humans,
🔸 they can change their directions instantly,
🔸 they can see a variety of nonspectral colours,
🔸 they have no sense of smell whereas they can hear much better than humans.
   The male hummingbirds are coloured shiny orange, rufous, and green. In contrast, the females are just coloured green on their back with a small spot of orange on their throat.

   Hummingbirds make nests for every season as a sheltered home. The nest is both strong and soft just sufficient for eggs and babies. They are such tiny creatures that make them vulnerable. Predators, vehicles, encountering problems, bad weather, physical maladies, bee stings possibly be fatal for hummingbirds. The world is surrounded by many incredible animals and hummingbirds are the one. 


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