
One Of The Most Crucial Problems: Climate Change

 In 1970, the industrial revolution has been changing everything in terms of technological facilities and quality of life. However, all these awesome improvements consequence of a crucial problem that is climate change.                          Human activities, overpopulation, pollution, and more cause of the climate change. Since the industrial revolution, 1.5 trillion tons of CO2 are emitting into the atmosphere. Almost every year, the human race are emitting approximately 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases and C02. Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous in the atmosphere increase the level of temperature that is affecting the Arctic and wildlife. With the new decade, the carbon dioxide level is the highest in the earth’s history.    This problem is affecting the humanity. There are 4 main effects of climate change: 1- Food: Lots of animals are being wiped out and vegetations are changing that affects to produce food. 2- Weather: Almost every year, we break

The Story Of Human Evolution

   How did the first human exist? According to religions such as Christianity or Islam, Adam or Adem was the first man. However, here is the story of human evolution.      The story of human evolution has begun about 7 million years ago. In time, approximately 20 early human species existed. Each species is quite likely of human in terms of physical and behavioural traits: 🔵 Large Brain 🔵 Small Teeth 🔵 Bipedality 🔵 Tool Use    There are three main types of humanity. One of them is Early Hominins. 7- 4.4 million years ago, they emerged in Africa. They had many ape-like traits. Moreover, fossils demonstrate that ancient hominins were also beginning to show human-like things such as small canines for eating.    Second one is Australopithecines that emerged in across the African continent 4.4 or 1.4 million years ago. Their physical traits are flat nose, strongly projecting jaw, small brain, strong arms, and bipedality. They were also both human-ape creatures.

The Amazing Productive Technique: Pomodoro

   Have you ever thought about why people can not focus on their work or why students do not like studying? Here is the answer to all the questions.    According to research, approximately %10 of people are really into study or work for enhancing their lives because they know how to study effectively. Previous article which I have written is based on how to memorize something with Sherlock’s Mind Palace. This article bases on learning and studying effectively.                 These are the rules for the Pomodoro technique: 1- Choose your task 2- Set the timer to 25 minutes 3- Avoid checking the timer 4- Take a break for 5 minutes after the 25 minutes  5- After 4 Pomodoro, take a break for 20 minutes Keep in your mind that you have to get rid of any distractions such as phone, television or whatever.     The Pomodoro technique is quite ideal for every task. It is certain that it will help in terms of being more productive and doing deep work. What do you think a

Do You Want To Create A Mind Palace?

  Have you ever heard Sherlock Holmes's Memory/Mind Palace? or have you ever wondered why someone is good at memorising or learning effectively?    In the past several decades, an amazing method has played a significant role in memorising and remembering everything you want such as vocabularies. This is the "Sherlock's Mind Palace" (also called Method of Loci. Sherlock Holmes is known with 3 characteristics that are deep observation, scepticism, and possibility thinking. As long as study hard in this field to memorize easily, you will probably use in any areas. This technique aims to develop your long-term memory. Here is the process of creating Mind Palace.                                        1- Create Your Unique Memory Palace:    This palace could be your home, school or neighbourhood because you have to be familiar with the palace. First, you should decide to right place for you. If you are beginner, you can draw your rooms and items to memorize effectively. 2-

Near-Death Experience: Why does it happen?

   Have you ever wondered what happens when someone has clinically died, a few minutes later he/she returned?                    Scientists have been studying to understand this interesting phenomenon. They studied 130 people who had experienced “Near Death Experience” (also called NDE). Approximately %80 of these people are remembering every detail vividly. Moreover, in 2000, Hector Lugo who has clinically died from a heart attack for 12 minutes and the others told us what they saw. There are 6 main things that were seen: 1- Huge Tunnel 2- Bright Light 3- Beautiful and Colorful Things 4- Interesting Sound They Have Never Heard Before 5- The Out Of Body Experience 6- Sense Of Love and Peace     It is really hard to study with these people. First, most of the people do not want to share their NDE with someone. Second, it is very hard to design a study for finding the answers. However, scientists have discovered something that NDE could harm their long term memory bu

Vaccines: How They Work and Their Processes

   Vaccines are one of the most crucial discoveries worldwide because they are saving many people’ lives.    In 1796, Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccine. He injected materials from a cowpox virus into an eight years old boy to save people from deadly outbreaks of the related smallpox virus and his experiment succeeded. How did this vaccine work?          They are 4 main types of vaccines that are Live-attenuated, inactivated, toxoid, and subunit vaccines. Every type of vaccine is quite simple in terms of process. The process is that: 1- Foreign weak microbes invade the body 2- Our immune system triggers a series of responses  3- Immune system identifies and remove them from the human body 4- B and T cells are fight the microbes and also record information about the microbe 5- Immune system creates the memory about how best to fight them 6- If the same microbe invades the body, our system will react and defeat it             However, vaccine develop

Human Microchip Implant: How It Works, Benefits and Drawbacks

   In the 21st century, Biohackers created a microchip which may help the human race in the medical field. They also believe that this microchips will change the world in terms of saving lives.    Interestingly, these new devices were used to find identified lost animals. These days, Biohackers are putting the human microchip implant into the volunteers’ hands. This process just takes 5 or 10 minutes and less painfully. It has lots of opportunities in every area such as medical or career field. It can be read by scanners installed in the mobile phones. Microchips have huge potential, especially for illnesses. When our vital functions get worse, it can warn us before we get severe illness.              There are several benefits of putting the implant: 1- Easier Identification 2- Our Medical History Will Always Be Easily Accessible 3- Automatically Control Devices 4- It Can Use AS A Credit Cards 5- Easier Access Control    However, there are also some dra