
What Happens To Our Body When We Die?

                                          Have you ever thought why we die or when we die what happens to our body? Here are the answers to these questions.    According to scientists, the reason we die is because of the second law of thermology and natural selection. The human race births, lives and dies that is the life. Each day approximately 150,000 people die worldwide. One day we will die too from a disease or accidentally. When that day comes, what happens to our body? There are three main signs of death: 1- Feeling coldness in your hands, arms, legs, and feet 2- Having reddish or purple skin 3- Having rigour Mortis In 1968, Dr Harvard claimed that we biologically die, if these things occur: a) Cardiopulmonary Criteria: The heart stops beating b) Neurological Criteria: The brain is no longer electrical actions       You should keep in your mind that according to research, after we die, our neurons continue living for 3 minutes. Moreover, dead bodie

Genetically Modified Babies With CRISPR

            Genetically modified babies were born in China with using CRISPR gene-editing technology.    CRISPR is one of the most significant technologies worldwide because, in this way, the human race can find solutions for some problems such as genetic diseases. However, this technology is a really controversial issue because several people believe that this technology can help us. Unlike others, many people say that CRISPR is really dangerous and not ethic for us.              In China, Dr He Jiankui modified twins for reducing their possible HIV infection. For now, both of them quite healthy but we can not know what the future holds because maybe when he is 5, he will have more serious disease than HIV. We have lots of question marks about this issue.    Another experiment is that one married couple's and one woman's genes were used for modifying a baby for determining eyes colour, gender, and abilities with in vitro fertilization. Egg cell's (also re

CRISPR For Gene Treatment

             CRISPR is one of the most important developments in the science because it can help to find new treatment ways for genetic diseases.     Every living thing is defined by genes. They tell us how to behave or they basically decide the colour of eyes or hair.    Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats is also known CRISPR was discovered in 1987 by Yoshizumi Ishino.      Scientists got inspired by the immune system of bacteria. This is the natural system that when the virus inside the bacteria, Cas9 protein realise this virus and it gets the virus's RNA genes. Cas9 protein cut the same genes in the target bacteria's genes and paste the virus's RNA genes. When Cas9 protein paste the new genes, it uses "Homology Directed Repair". This process leads to improve the immune system against the virus. Scientists decided to use this process with using Cas9 protein for finding new treatment ways for genetic disorders.    Howe

The Science Of Being In Love

  Love it the most powerful feeling that makes us feel better. The human nature loves being in love. What is the science of being in love?    Love is a kind of addiction. If you fall in love with someone, you have some sings which is: ❤ Can not stop thinking him/her ❤ Feeling like you are high ❤ Can not stop staring him/her ❤ Feeling stress  ❤ Your heart rate synchronizes with your partner ❤ Missing him/her all the time Scientists say that love is an addiction which is really similar to cocaine. When you see a someone which is good looking and nice for us, our hormones react.    There are some hormones that are playing a huge role in the fall in love but 3 ones are stand out: 1- Dopamine: When a person who finds a partner, their dopamine levels increase. It is also triggered when a baby hears his mother. Moreover, male chimpanzee share a piece of meat with his female chimpanzee, dopamine rates increase again. Dopamine lead to make you high. 2- Norepine

Earthquake: How It Happens? How do we protect ourselves from it?

                  Earthquake is one of the most dangerous natural disasters in our lives. From now on, billions of earthquakes happened. How earthquake happens?    The earth has approximately 20 pieces to create 7 continents. Each of one those pieces are called "Tectonic Plates". The surface where these plates slip is called " Fault Plane" and the earthquake begin. Earthquake happen all the time but, lots of them are weak to reach us. However, some of them are really dangerous for the human race. There are one of the four dangerous earthquakes in history:   ◼ The place where the earthquake originates is  called "Hypocentre".  ◼ The place where it occurs on the Earth's surface is called " Epicentre".     There are 3 main types of earthquakes which are: 1- Convergent Boundary: One plate is forced over another during an earthquake. This creates the hills and mountains 2- Divergent Boundary: Plates are drifted apart f

Charles Darwin and His Evolution Theory

  Charles Darwin who is one of the most famous naturalists and biologists was born on 12 February 1809, best known for his work to the science of evolution with publishing book "On The Origin Of Species" in 1859.     In 1835, he visited the Galapagos Islands for his study of nature. He collected animals and plants species. He observed all nature and wildlife in the Galapagos Islands. He found lots of knowledge about animals and plants.    His famous book based on his knowledge which he discovered in his journey. This book is really important for us because it helps to understand the evolution and natural selection.    Evolution is that species change in the heritable characteristic of biological populations over successive generations. Natural selection is a great example of clarifying evolution.      Natural selection is that every species improves themselves in terms of surviving longer and adapting to the environment. Each species had not always been

SARS-CoV-2 versus Ebola

   The Ebola outbreak started in 2014 and south-east of Guinea. The first patient identified in December 2013. A few weeks later, it became a serious epidemic problem.  In 2016 this virus ended with 28,869 patients and 11,316 deaths. One week later, Ebola started again in the Democratic Republic of Congo and five people died because of this virus.       The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak started in 2019 and Wuhan, China. The first patient identified in December 2019. A few months later, it becomes a pandemic worldwide. It is still continuing with 6,474,963 cases and 382,924 deaths.   Here is the table-1 for understanding how both of two virus are killing and spreading:                                                  (Prepared from Emir Öncü)   ◼ The SARS-CoV-2 is spreading faster than the Ebola virus. Unlike COVID-19, Ebola is more deadly according to this table.    ◼ Both of them are transmitted to people from wild animals.   ◼ Approximately, %42.3 of patients dies b