
Schrödinger's Imaginary Cat Experiment

   Have you ever wondered the Schrödinger’s cat experiment? He has done something really importing in quantum physics. One of the most famous physicians Erwin Schrödinger was born in Austria, August 12, 1887.    The reason why he is quite famous physician is because he has done an experiment no one never actually did. This experiment is based on imaginary cat and its possibility of living or dying. In 1935, he took a cat and placed it in a sealed box with a chemical poison. The cat had a 50% chance of living or dying in the next one hour.    At the end of the that one hour, he said to himself “What is the state of the cat?” The cat was either alive or death. At the instant before the box is opened, the cat has equal chance to live or die at the same time. The quantum mechanical interpretation is that before we look, the cat is in a superposition. It is only and certain when the box is opened, we can see the truth about cat.                                         Schrödin

Nuclear Power:Is It a Good Idea?

   In the 1940s, nuclear energy became a great part of our lives. Nuclear energy promised to be a peaceful idea after nuclear weapons raised. They believe that this technology may help us in the future. However, nuclear power was quite complicated and expensive. It was hard to apply in real life.    More than half of all the nuclear reactors in the world were built between the 1970s and the 19885s. They created "Light Water Reactor" that heats up the water using an artificial chain reaction and nuclear fission. Heavy elements on the brink of stability get bombarded with neutrons. After all these processes, energy and radiation comprise.    Approximately 440 nuclear reactors were created around the world. Should we stop using nuclear power? Here are the 3 main problems why we should stop using it: 1- Nuclear Weapon:     In 1944, two large cities were destroyed by not dangerous 2 nuclear bombs. More than 5 countries have developed their own nuclear weapons for d

The War Of The Currents: Nikola Tesla's AC vs Thomas Edison's DC

   Have you ever heard the real story of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison? Here is the story of Nikola Tesla who was the genius of science.            On July 10th, 1859 Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia (for our world). He was fascinated with the world and nature. In his early 13, he had the ability to perform integral calculus in his head. He was good in every area of science in high school and finished it early. When he was 21, he had learned 8 different foreign languages.    He was passionate about working really hard. For this reason, the professors wrote a letter to Tesla's father stating that his son may be killed due to overwork. He did not graduate from the university of engineering department for some reasons.     Tesla began working for Thomas Edison's company with studying Direct-Current in 1882. This is the turning point for his life. Edison offered Tesla 1 million US dollars in today's currency for redesigning Edison's DC motors and generates. He studied very

The Inspiring Story of Marie Curie

   Have you ever wondered Marie Curie's inspiring and wonderful life? Here is one of the most important women scientists worldwide.    She was born in Warsaw, Poland on 7 November 1867. Her full name was Marie Sklodowska. She was good in every area of science in high school. She really wanted to go to the Warsaw University. She had to be a servant to earn money for her education. All these struggle and ambitions, she earned degrees of Mathematics and Physics.    She needed to a laboratory for the study. She bumped into Pierre Curie who fell in love with one of the most important woman scientist, Marie Curie. Their relationship was not the ordinary. In Marie's birthdays, Pierre would give his original studies like a prize.     Curie soon found that the element thorium emitted radiation. The strength of that radiation depended solely on the element's quantity. This led her to conclude that radiation was coming from something fundamental. She focused on a super ra

Astrology: How It Works and Placebo Effect

   Almost every culture and country studied at astronomy. They believed that the positions of planets, constellations, comets, and more are affecting our lives in some aspects such as our traits.     The idea of zodiac sign came forward over 2000 years ago in Iraq. Astronomers claimed that the shape of the moon plays a key role in determining the people's traits or more. This technique based on the 12 shapes of the moon over the course of a year. The zodiac chart is a screenshot of the planets and constellations that divided into 12 houses which represent different personality traits. Our birth date will fall into one of those 12 sections.    Astrology and astronomy are completely a quite change. Here is the difference between astronomy and astrology. Astronomy is mapping out the stars, planets, constellations, and more. However, astrology is interpreting their effects over us.    Claudius Ptolemy wrote the one of the most significant astronomy book that is the first

2020: What Happened In The First Period?

   Do you remember many people said “Happy new year, I hope this new decade will bring us health, luck, and peace.” on 31 December 2019? However, the new decade has started with lots of disasters such as forest fires and viruses. Here is the main list for what happened in 2020’s first period: 1- Forest Fires:     In Australia, one of the most dangerous forest fire has happened in December 2019. It was really hard to deal with because of the strong winds. 18.6 million hectares of forest wiped out and several cute animals died. Approximately 450 people were killed to this natural disaster. Moreover, in Arizona, 42,492  hectares of forest and in India, 51,430 hectares of nature destroyed. Unfortunately, humans, animal habitats, animal species, and vegetations were also killed. 2- Floods:    In Indonesia, the floods destroyed Jakarta that is the centre of Indonesia and nearby areas. Heavy rains caused by this terrible natural disaster. 66 people lost their lives. In Chi

The Earth Without Us

                               Approximately, 7.6 billion people are living the most gorgeous planet that is the world. The human race impacted the earth creating lots of buildings, devices, cars, power plants and more with technology. What if we suddenly disappeared from the Earth?        Here is the list what would happen if the human race disappeared: 1- Zoo and farm animals would die from starving and thirst. 2- The mixture of chemical waste such as metals and plastics would cause of outbreak new type of bacterias or diseases. 3- Nuclear power plants would shut down or explode that cause of spreading toxic radiation across the globe. 4-Without fire-fighters, many wood structures and vegetations would be destroyed by fire and that would be really hard to put out the fire. 5- Global warming would continue even if we have gone because we have harmed the nature. 6- Underground rail system would fill with water. 7- According to the natural selection, the strong